Меню KDT
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Criminal liability of juvenile minors

Просмотров: 313
An explanatory work was held on the theme "Criminal liability of juvenile minors" at the school gymnasium # 74 in Astana today with the participation of lawyer of the public foundation "Legal" Islam Tauekenov for pupils of 8, 9, 10, 11 classes. The pupils' questions were answered by the lawyer.
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The creative team Bastau started its work

Просмотров: 399
School work is an ongoing process of excitement and excitement, with a pupil and a teacher.
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The celebration of languages ​​was held on "Respect for language - respect for the countr

Просмотров: 358
Each nation has its own treasure, treasure-mother tongue
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The meeting of the School of Young Professionals on the theme The owner of a bright future is - a young specialist

Просмотров: 348
A meeting of the School of Young specialists was held at the school- gymnasium # 74 of Astana for the purpose of promoting the professional growth of young teachers, who began their career as a teacher. The meeting of the School of Young Professionals on the theme The owner of a bright future is - a young specialist
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