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March 1 was Thanksgiving Day.

Просмотров: 302
March 1. In our school, on the occasion of Thanksgiving, various events were organized. The lessons of cadets and flash mobs, organized by young people from the organization “Self-Government”, were exceptional. According to the plan, the exam was conducted with hours of classes. During the event, our students realized that they must respect the elderly, show kindness to the young, enjoy everything and thank them.
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Our students won the tournament "Young chess players"

Просмотров: 318
    At the tournament "Young chess players", held in the club "Chess", our students received prizes. Esengazy Alua 8th "G"grade, 4th “I”grade student Adilbay Aruzhan took 1st place, 3 rd place 3rd "Z" class Esengazy Malik finished 3rd. Congratulations to the head of the club Zyliev Nurzhan Seythanovich with high performance! Congratulations on the awards!
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Meeting in the Russian Language and Literature Week

Просмотров: 275
As part of the Week of Russian Language and Literature, the head of the AS, Mukasheva AS, A performance dedicated to Pushkin's memory was held. Schoolchildren sang national dances and sang songs from Russian folk tales. Special guest invited to the evening, head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture Vorobyev Konstantin Pavlovich, thanked the students for their art and enthusiasm, presented a portrait of AS Pushkin and a collection of Russian literary classics in the school library.
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